Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hello all!

It's been a while since I posted, but I haven't forgotten! Last night we watched Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl and it made us both want to visit someplace tropical. Part of that is the 7 inches of snow we just got, I know, but it's also that the kids are getting older, and we're starting to want a vacation. So, how about it? Who's interested? Does the Caribbean sound good to anyone else? Maybe we can talk Alayne and Rich into sailing a (large) rented boat? Who's certified for diving? I know E and I would both like to go diving! (It's been over 4 years for me, and I sure miss it!!)

I know most of you are "lurkers," but it would be nice to have some more input if we're serious about doing a large family vacation. Due to Kate's recent birth (welcome, Kate, and congrats to Jen and Jason!), why don't we look at doing something in about 3 years? That gives Kate enough time to get up and running (literally), and it gives all the adults time to save for the vacation.

So, who's on board?